Partners Group Global Value SICAV R EUR Acc

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Cómo se ha comportado este fondo31/03/2024
Crecimiento de 1.000 (EUR) Gráfico Avanzado
Partners Group Global Value SICAV R EUR Acc
Estadística Rápida
 EUR 354,38
Cambio del día 0,00%
Categoría Morningstar™ RV Sector Capital Riesgo
ISIN LU0286629125
Patrimonio (Mil)
 EUR 7819,81
Patrimonio Clase (Mil)
 EUR 421,68
Comisión Máx. Suscripción 5,00%
Gastos Corrientes
Objetivo de inversión: Partners Group Global Value SICAV R EUR Acc
The Fund's investment objective is to obtain superior returns and to achieve capital growth over the medium and long-term by investing in private equity. The allocation of the Fund's assets shall provide a broad diversification and follow the principle of risk spreading. Private equity is a common term for professionally managed investments in non-public and public companies through privately negotiated transactions in the form of equity, hybrid and debt instruments. Private equity covers a broad range of investment opportunities from start-up capital for companies trying to grow their business ("Venture Capital") to management buyouts or leveraged buyouts of established companies ("Buyouts") and investments in companies that have special financing needs because they are in a transition or restructuring phase ("Special Situations").
Rentabilidades acumul. %29/03/2024
3 años anualiz.6,99
5 años anualiz.9,19
10 años anualiz.9,37
Rendimento a 12 meses 0,00
Nombre del gestor
Fecha Inicio
Not Disclosed
Creación del fondo
Anuncio publicitario
Benchmark de la Categoría
Benchmark de fondosBenchmark Morningstar
MSCI World NR EURRed Rocks Gbl Listed Private Eqty TR USD
Target Market
Role In Portfolio
Standalone / CoreNo específico
ComponentNo específico
OtroNo específico
Primary Objective
Cobertura (hedging)No
OtroNo específico
Qué posee el fondo  Partners Group Global Value SICAV R EUR Acc-
Style Box® de Morningstar
Estilo de acciones
Colocación de activos
  % largo% corto% patrimonio
5 regiones principales%
No hay datos disponibles
5 mayores sectores%
No hay datos disponibles
5 mayores posic.Sector%
No hay datos disponibles
Partners Group Global Value SICAV R EUR Acc


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