BlackRock Strategic Funds - Global Event Driven Fund Z2 GBP Hedged

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Cómo se ha comportado este fondo31/03/2024
Crecimiento de 1.000 (EUR) Gráfico Avanzado
BlackRock Strategic Funds - Global Event Driven Fund Z2 GBP Hedged
Estadística Rápida
 GBP 135,79
Cambio del día 0,34%
Categoría Morningstar™ Alternativo Event Driven
ISIN LU1288049866
Patrimonio (Mil)
 USD 1998,71
Patrimonio Clase (Mil)
 GBP 26,85
Comisión Máx. Suscripción -
Gastos Corrientes
Morningstar Research
Analyst Report13/03/2023
Adam Millson, Associate Director
Morningstar, Inc

The BlackRock Event Driven strategy, which includes a U.S. mutual fund and its UCITs sibling, benefits from an experienced investment team, ample resources, and a robust investment approach. The cheapest share classes earn a Morningstar Analyst...

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Pilares Morningstar
Firma Gestora24
Objetivo de inversión: BlackRock Strategic Funds - Global Event Driven Fund Z2 GBP Hedged
The sub-fund seeks to achieve a positive absolute return for investors regardless of market movements. The Fund seeks to achieve this investment objective by taking long, synthetic long and synthetic short investment exposures on a global basis. Under normal market conditions, the Fund will seek to gain at least 70% of its investment exposure through equities and equity-related securities. The Fund may also invest in fixed income transferable securities (including non-investment grade fixed income transferable securities), fixed incomerelated securities, units of undertakings for collective investment (including Exchange Traded Funds), derivatives and when determined appropriate, cash and near-cash instruments. The Fund intends to take full advantage of the ability to invest in derivatives providing synthetic long and synthetic short positions with the aim of maximising positive absolute returns.
Rentabilidades acumul. %26/04/2024
3 años anualiz.1,11
5 años anualiz.3,21
10 años anualiz.-
Rendimento a 12 meses 0,00
Nombre del gestor
Fecha Inicio
Mark McKenna
Creación del fondo
Anuncio publicitario
Benchmark de la Categoría
Benchmark de fondosBenchmark Morningstar
ICE BofA US 3M Trsy Bill TR EUR-
Target Market
Role In Portfolio
Standalone / CoreNo específico
ComponentNo específico
OtroNo específico
Primary Objective
PreservaciónNo específico
Cobertura (hedging)No específico
OtroNo específico
Qué posee el fondo  BlackRock Strategic Funds - Global Event Driven Fund Z2 GBP Hedged31/03/2024
Style Box® de Morningstar
Estilo de acciones
Style Box® de Morningstar
Estilo de renta fija
Colocación de activos
  % largo% corto% patrimonio
Renta Fija
Vencimiento efectivo-
Duración efectiva-
5 regiones principales%
Estados Unidos90,96
Zona Euro2,16
Europe - ex Euro1,52
Oriente Medio0,72
5 mayores sectores%
No hay datos disponibles
5 mayores posic.Sector%
CFD on Pioneer Natural Resources Co12,94
CFD on Hess Corp7,62
CFD on United States Steel Corp4,57
CFD on Albertsons Companies Inc ... 3,70
Howmet Aerospace IncIndustriaIndustria3,62
BlackRock Strategic Funds - Global Event Driven Fund Z2 GBP Hedged


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