B. Rápido de HFs

This tool lets you screen and rank Morningstar.co.uk's database of Hedge funds
  • Choose a Morningstar Category from the first pull-down list to see funds that are similar in investment strategy.
  • Choose a fund company from the Company Name drop-down list to see funds available from an investment manager.
  • Enter a phrase in the text field to see all funds with that word in their name.
  • Select a universe from the All Funds drop-down to hone in on a type of fund.
  • Click Go to see the funds that meet your criteria.
  • Click a column heading to rank the display.
  • Click Performance, Portfolio, or Fees & Details to see additional data.
  • Roll your mouse over some data columns for further detail.

Los VLs se actualizan cada día laborable tras el cierre de los mercados y antes de las 11 p.m. siempre que sea posible. Las cifras de rentabilidad se presentan en euros (EUR).Las rentabilidades acumuladas se calculan de VL a VL y con reinversión de dividendos. Dividendos de fondos nacionales calculados después de impuestos. Dividendos de fondos extranjeros en valor bruto.
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