iShares GiltTrak Index Fund (IE) Institutional Dist GBP

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Cómo se ha comportado este fondo31/03/2024
Crecimiento de 1.000 (EUR) Gráfico Avanzado
iShares GiltTrak Index Fund (IE) Institutional Dist GBP
Estadística Rápida
 GBP 8,03
Cambio del día 0,26%
Categoría Morningstar™ RF Deuda Pública GBP
ISIN IE0030308773
Patrimonio (Mil)
 GBP 344,67
Patrimonio Clase (Mil)
 GBP 20,41
Comisión Máx. Suscripción -
Gastos Corrientes
Objetivo de inversión: iShares GiltTrak Index Fund (IE) Institutional Dist GBP
The investment objective of the Fund is to provide Shareholders with a total return, taking into account both capital and income returns, which reflects the total return of the FTSE Government All Stocks Gilt Index, the Fund’s Benchmark Index. In order to achieve this objective, the investment policy of the Fund is to invest in the fixed income securities that predominantly make up the Fund’s Benchmark Index (which comprises UK government issued bonds). The Fund’s investments will normally be listed or traded on Regulated Markets in the UK, but may alternatively be listed or traded on other Regulated Markets. All investments will, at the time of purchase, have a credit rating which is the same as the credit rating for the United Kingdom as assigned by Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s Corporation or Fitch Ratings at the time of purchase or are deemed by the Investment Manager to be of an equivalent rating.
Rentabilidades acumul. %17/04/2024
3 años anualiz.-8,06
5 años anualiz.-3,65
10 años anualiz.-0,02
Rendimento a 12 meses 2,48
Frecuencia de pago de dividendos Half-yearly
Nombre del gestor
Fecha Inicio
Francis Rayner
Creación del fondo
Anuncio publicitario
Benchmark de la Categoría
Benchmark de fondosBenchmark Morningstar
FTSE Government All Stocks Gilt TR EURMorningstar UK Gilt Bd GR GBP
Target Market
Role In Portfolio
Standalone / CoreNo específico
ComponentNo específico
OtroNo específico
Primary Objective
PreservaciónNo específico
Cobertura (hedging)No específico
OtroNo específico
Qué posee el fondo  iShares GiltTrak Index Fund (IE) Institutional Dist GBP31/03/2024
Renta Fija
Vencimiento efectivo-
Duración efectiva8,50
Style Box® de Morningstar
Estilo de renta fija
Colocación de activos
  % largo% corto% patrimonio


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