LO Funds - Global Convertible Bond Defensive Delta Syst. Hdg (GBP) MA

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Cómo se ha comportado este fondo31/05/2019
Crecimiento de 1.000 (EUR) Gráfico Avanzado
LO Funds - Global Convertible Bond Defensive Delta Syst. Hdg (GBP) MA
Estadística Rápida
 GBP 10,97
Cambio del día -0,15%
Categoría Morningstar™ RF Convertibles Global - GBP Cubierto
ISIN LU1130484170
Patrimonio (Mil)
 EUR 12,12
Patrimonio Clase (Mil)
 GBP 0,86
Comisión Máx. Suscripción -
Gastos Corrientes
Objetivo de inversión: LO Funds - Global Convertible Bond Defensive Delta Syst. Hdg (GBP) MA
The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Sub-Fund is not managed in reference to an index. The Sub-Fund invests, at least two-thirds (2/3rds) of its assets, in bonds convertible into equities and in associated instruments such as warrants and convertible preference shares, denominated in various currencies, as well as synthetic convertible bonds (segregated purchase of bonds and options or convertible bonds and options) and financial derivative instruments on convertible bonds. Up to one-third (1/3rd) of the Sub-Fund's assets may be invested in other transferable securities and/or in Cash and Cash Equivalents (including short-term ABS/MBS which may represent up to 10% of investments in Cash and Cash Equivalents) in accordance with the applicable diversification rules. The Sub-Fund may hold Cash and Cash Equivalents in order to achieve its investment goals, for treasury purposes or in case of unfavorable market conditions.
Rentabilidades acumul. %25/06/2019
3 años anualiz.*-0,73
5 años anualiz.*-
10 años anualiz.*-
Rendimento a 12 meses 0,00
Nombre del gestor
Fecha Inicio
Natalia Bucci
Arnaud Gernath
Creación del fondo
Anuncio publicitario
Benchmark de la Categoría
Benchmark de fondosBenchmark Morningstar
Not Benchmarked-
Target Market
Role In Portfolio
Standalone / CoreNo específico
ComponentNo específico
OtroNo específico
Primary Objective
Cobertura (hedging)No
OtroNo específico
Qué posee el fondo  LO Funds - Global Convertible Bond Defensive Delta Syst. Hdg (GBP) MA30/09/2023
Style Box® de Morningstar
Estilo de acciones
Style Box® de Morningstar
Estilo de renta fija
Colocación de activos
  % largo% corto% patrimonio
Renta Fija
Vencimiento efectivo-
Duración efectiva-
5 regiones principales%
Zona Euro52,56
Estados Unidos47,44
Reino Unido0,00
5 mayores sectores%
No hay datos disponibles
5 mayores posic.Sector%
America Movil BV 0%2,52
Nippon Steel Corp. 0%2,23
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National As... 2,16
Nexi S.p.A. 0%2,12
Safran SA 0%2,04
LO Funds - Global Convertible Bond Defensive Delta Syst. Hdg (GBP) MA


* This share class has performance data calculated prior to the inception date, 2017-04-26. This is based upon a simulated/extended track record, using the track record of LO Funds Glbl Cnvrt Bd Dfn Dlt SdSHGBPMA (ISIN: LU1140676286), and is in accordance with Morningstar’s Extended Performance Methodology paper. To find out more about this, click here.
Con un fin de coherencia entre los datos del informe proporcionados por los diferentes gestores de activos, los datos calculados se generan utilizando la metodología de cálculo propia de Morningstar, que se expone con más detalle en(https://www.morningstar.com/research/signature)
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